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Fortnite has always been big on crossovers. Whether they are official crossover skins or skins “inspired” by characters from other games. In this Skye Fortnite Skin Guide, I will be talking about one such skin, the non-official crossover kind.
I am talking about the Skye Fortnite skin, of course, paying homage to Legend of Zelda. While there isn’t any official confirmation, in my mind, canon, the Skye skin and all its variants are basically a female Link from Legend of Zelda, thanks to the sword and shield that comes with the Skye bundle in Fortnite.
Her challenges and character backstory also further hint that Skye is indeed an adventurer, much like Link.
While I’m not personally a big Zelda fan, the Skye skin instantly caught my eye and made me realize perhaps it wouldn’t be too bad to give the Nintendo game series another try. Alas, I still couldn’t enjoy those so for now, Skye remains my foray into the world of LoZ and basically a better and cooler Link.
About Skye
Originally introduced as a new character during Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2, Skye is a young girl who, with her cute design and some unique outfit features, was an instant hit among Fortnite fans who clamored to get their hands on the Battle Pass just to unlock the Skye outfit.
Of course, unlocking the outfit did require a bit of grinding as the Skye skin in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 was a reward at battle pass level 80. Sounds pretty hectic right? Thankfully, Fortnite has always given plenty of challenges for players to grind skins, and Skye’s skin was no different.
Since the whole Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 revolved around shadowy organizations and sinister leaders like Midas, it makes sense that the characters introduced for the seasonal battle pass would also have links to such organizations.
Skye was actually a member of the GHOST team, working at The Shark point of interest on the map. Like other Fortnite characters, Skye could be encountered as a boss enemy at The Shark prison during the season.
Not particularly a difficult boss whenever I tried, defeating her would drop legendary gear; Skye’s Assault Rifle, and Skye’s Grappler, along with a Shark Keycard to access areas of the prison.
Skye is one of the most unique characters of Fortnite. While it is standard for characters to have some sort of flair to them, such as transformative emotes or reactive back blings, Skye’s style goes above and beyond those as she is the only character from Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 to have two special flairs.
Her sword harvesting tool and shield back bling go together, and her hat transforms into a traversal emote that she can bounce around on.
Traversal emotes are my jam because of how cute they are, and the cool sword animation is exactly why despite so many seasons having passed, Skye and her Stormy Skye variants are still in my Favorite skin rotation. I know I will have a great match whenever my character dons either one of these skins.
Skye Skin
As I mentioned before, unlocking the basic Skye skin required players to reach level 80 in the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Battle Pass. Dressed as an adventurer but in casual modern attire, Skye sports a denim jacket and gloves themed after whatever skin style you have equipped.
On top of this look, she also wears a camera around her neck, probably to take pictures of the beautiful lands she explores, and wears a cute hat which happens to be her pet, Ollie.
Yes, that’s right, Skye’s pet is a hat. No, it’s not an imaginary pet! You see, Ollie is a transforming creature who is useful to Skye for a number of reasons.
When she is wearing the hat, it looks like any normal beanie but with wings and an expression that changes based on whether the player is part of the Ghost faction or Shadow.
As mentioned before, her hat also acts as a traversal emote, and she removes it from her head to transform it into Ollie. The last thing, the hat also acts as a Glider if you have it equipped in the glider slot.
Typical of battle pass skins, Skye also has 3 bonus outfit styles to choose from besides the default red and blue one.
Two of these skins; Shadow and Ghost, require players to find the corresponding Ollie on the map to unlock. In this case, finding Ghost Ollie at Frenzy Farm and Shadow Ollie at Weeping Woods would unlock the corresponding Skye style.
The real grind, however, happens to be for the Gold Skye skin. To unlock the golden version of Skye in Fortnite, players had to reach level 260 in the battle pass, but that is just the start of the grind. You see, level 260 is when you just unlock ONE part of the skin as a gold version.
To complete the full set and have a fully Gold Skye in your locker, you had to reach level 300!! Now that is a LOT of grinding and XP farming. Thankfully, the quests were ample enough and I was able to unlock the full gold skin by the end of the season, not that I ever use it.
So far, we have talked about the Skye styles that were part of the battle pass, and unfortunately, once the pass was over, there was no way to get the outfit again.
Thankfully, Epic Games saw the popularity of the character and came up with another version for Skye; the Summer Skye skin set.
The Summer Skye was introduced as a reward for August 2021 Fortnite Crew membership and featured what seemed like a younger version of Skye. The Summer Skye, which happens to be one of my favorite Fortnite Crew skins, also had different versions; Summer and Stormy Skye.
Both of these skins also came with a hat on and off version, but unlike the original Skye skin, the hat didn’t have any special flair this time around. Not that the super cool Stormy Skye needs any such flair when she has those flaming eyes.
Adventure Pack Back Bling
Part of Skye’s Quest Friends set, the Adventure Pack is exactly what you would expect from an adventurer; a backpack with all the essential tools to survive in the wild, including a sword sheathe for Skye’s weapon.
With the Adventure Pack’s back flair, whenever players would switch to their harvesting tool (if Skye’s swords were equipped as a harvesting tool), the sword would disappear from the pack and go back in once players switch to another inventory slot.
Unlocking the Adventure Pack required players to reach level 66 in the battle pass, and just like her skin, the backpack also has Ghost, Shadow, and Golden styles.
Epic Swords of Wonder Harvesting Tool
This part of Skye’s skin is what truly makes her like Link. The harvesting tool is basically swords that Skye dual wields, and they look a lot similar to Master Sword from the Legend of Zelda franchise.
The swords could be unlocked at battle pass level 70 and had Ghost and Shadow variants which would change the color of the blade.
Dual-wielded harvesting tools have always had a soft spot in my heart. That is actually the major reason why I prefer using the Epic Swords of Wonder from the original Skye skin instead of the Epic Sword of Might that comes with the Summer Skye set.
Ollie Glider
As mentioned before, Skye’s pet Ollie serves a dual purpose. Not only is a hat that can be thrown to work as a Traversal Emote, but it is also a glider.
After unlocking the Ollie glider at level 64, players can use it in a match, and whenever they would deploy the glider, Skye would remove Ollie from her head and use it.
It was a pretty cute glider for a while, but now that a lot of surfboard-style gliders are in the game, I tend to use those instead. I’m pretty sure it would be frowned upon if I stepped on Ollie and made him act as a surfboard.
Ollie Bounce Traversal Emote
Skye’s built-in emote, the Ollie Bounce is a traversal emote that is only accessible when you have Skye’s battle pass skin equipped. Using it will show Skye removing Ollie from her head, and then it transforms into a bouncy ball that can be used to ride around.
Despite being a Skye skin, the Ollie Bounce does not work with Summer or Stormy Skye skins which is a shame since this is one of the best traversal emotes Fortnite has ever released and an absolute favorite of mine, right up there with Psy’s Gangnam Style.
Lost Levels Loading Screen
This loading screen, available at level 61 from the battle pass was themed after Skye in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2.
Featuring Skye riding a giant Ollie front and center, the loading screen also had some other characters from the Fortnite universe, presumably those with friendly ties to Skye.
The loading screen features pixel-art versions of Cuddle Team Leader, Skye’s best friend Meowscles, Peely, Fishstick, and more.
Denim Destiny Wrap
Available at level 79, the Denim Destiny wrap could be unlocked and used for both weapons and vehicles. The skin is themed in a mixture of pink and blue, just like Skye’s default look, along with badges on top to match her backpack.
It is a decent wrap but since it lacks the reactive nature of more recent skins, it isn’t something I have equipped on my weapons. I would definitely love to see a new version of this wrap someday, perhaps with bouncing Ollie or a winking Skye that reacts whenever you kill someone.
Mighty Tree Spray
The last item in Skye’s Quest Friends set was just a basic spray emote with a tree and its roots showing. Nothing fancy but clearly another homage to the Great Tree from The Legend of Zelda game series. Something LoZ fans will truly appreciate although I personally have no interest in such emotes.
Question: Where has Skye gone in Fortnite?
Answer: Skye is an adventurer who used to work as a prison warden for the shadowy organization Ghost during Fortnite’s Chapter 2 Season 2, before the organization disbanded and Skye went on a journey of her own to see the wonders of the world.
It was hinted that Skye might be hiding within the vents of Covert Cavern during Chapter 3 Season 1, so she might make an appearance during the war between The IO and The Seven.
Question: How Much Does the Skye Bundle Cost?
Answer: The Quest Friends pack, including Skye skin, back bling, harvesting tool, and other associated items, were part of the battle pass and could only be unlocked upon reaching certain levels throughout the season.
The Battle Pass itself was priced at 950 V-bucks. The Summer Skye bundle set was available for $11.99 as part of the Fortnite Crew subscription.
Question: Is Skye Coming Back to Fortnite?
Answer: The answer is a bit complicated. Like most Fortnite skins, Skye was originally only available as a reward from the Chapter 2 Season 2 Battle Pass.
However, thanks to her popularity, Epic made a new version of the Skye Skin and released it as a reward for Fortnite Crew members.
Unfortunately, that was also a limited-time drop, but keeping in mind the treatment other Fortnite characters have gotten, it is likely that we might see Skye return as a character skin in some other form one day.